OpenStack upgrade version policy in FIWARE Lab

FIWARE Lab nodes are based on OpenStack. OpenStack is developed and released around 6-month cycle.

According to FIWARE Lab management rules the upgrade policy of a FIWARE Lab node is two version behind the current official version under development. This is to avoid unsupported-EOL OpenStack release, security and performance issues. This policy secures us that we are almost in line with the community. It is important to notice that the upgrade of the OpenStack version can involve also the upgrade of the Operating System. The recommendation of the FIWARE Lab is the use of Ubuntu like Operating System. The next image shows as detail about the FIWARE Lab policy in use:

FIWARE Lab OpenStack support model

More information about the release series of OpenStack can be found in the OpenStack Release Naming policy.

  • IMPORTANT: A FIWARE Lab Node not updated, will stop working properly because not compatible with FIWARE Lab services!