Steps to become a New FIWARE Lab node

In order to actually become a new FIWARE Lab node, several activities are required from both the Node and FIWARE Lab admins. The first is the signature of a Letter of Intent in order to communicate to the node these steps, the SLA levels that they have to fulfil and the FIWARE Lab user data ownership and legislation to be applied in terms of Data Protection. Additionally, it is explained that the non-fulfilment of the SLA will produce a disconnection of the node from the FIWARE Lab. The Annex D: Letter of intent to become a new FIWARE Lab node contains the template of this Letter of Intent.

The table below describes, step by step, the whole procedure as it is at the time of writing this document.

Some steps may change in the near future due to the R6.4 of FIWARE Keyrock that includes the migration from Keyrock to Keystone and the Federation of OpenStack Keystone instances, therefore in short time all the nodes can use their own OpenStack Keystone instance and create users on the FIWARE Lab node.

00 Sign the Letter to become a FIWARE Lab Node Admin
01 Provide contacts information. Node Admin
02 Insert the new node within the agenda of the weekly meetings. FIWARE Lab Admins
03 Join the weekly meetings. Node Admin
04 Join the mail list. Node Admin + FIWARE Lab Admins
05 Insert the new node in Jira for help-desk, sprint and FLUA management. FIWARE Lab Admins
06 Sign in for Jira account: Node Admin
07 Sign in for a FIWARE Lab account: Node Admin
08 Webinar to explain how to use the main tools and methodology, such as Jira, Sprints, Help tickets, FLUAs. Node Admin + FIWARE Lab Admins
09 Create sprint activities FIWARE Lab Admins
10 Install the local OpenStack node Node Admin
11 Federate the node Node Admin
12 Update the federation data within the corresponding workitem created for the federation process Node Admin
13 Install and configure the monitoring system Node Admin + FIWARE Lab Admins
14 Configure the Sanity Check Node Admins + FIWARE Lab Admins
15 Insert the new node within Infographic, Health Status and Sanity Check Node Admins + FIWARE Lab Admins
16 Synchronize GE image list FIWARE Lab Admins